Friday, May 26, 2006


WHOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! The kids just left a few minutes ago. I'm excited! I will really miss 1 or 2 of them, but overall, I'm happy to be through. I still have to come back to school next Tuesday and Wednesday for teacher stuff and packing up my room, but no biggie. This weekend my Mom and Kathy are here visiting, I'm applying for my masters program that starts a month from today, and I am RESTING! I move in less than 2 weeks and have also not packed anything, and next Friday I have two interviews. I'm a busy girl. Josie's coming to visit June 9th, and I'm going home the following week for Michelle's bachelorette party, her wedding, Kim's wedding, and to spend as much time as possible with my family! Busy busy busy

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