Friday, August 12, 2011

Teething, 6 month growth spurt, or early signs of the Apocalypse... You decide

Last Friday, Macie started acting out of character. Very whiny, clingy, etc. Saturday, she had a fever and didn't sleep much. Sunday, she had a higher fever and slept in twenty minute intervals... all. night. long. By Monday, she seemed to be a bit better, and that's about the time my temperature was at 101. Blah! Since then, her sleep (and mine in return) has been pretty crummy, but luckily, no more fevers for either of us. She has also been wanting to eat, constantly. I guess this wouldn't be SUCH a big deal if she wasn't breastfeeding, but I doubt having a baby attached to your boob 24/7 is the newest fashion craze. This also means her daddy (or grandma, dogs, neighbor, mailman, etc.) cannot comfort her. So its all Mommy, all the time, and its taking a bit of a toll. 

My mood seems to be somewhere around Macie's. I literally tried to pry her away from me for 15 minutes last night to take a shower before Joey went to work... and was unsuccessful. I think I left the house once since last Sunday, and that was for her Dr.'s appointment this morning. I haven't wore makeup in weeks and my wardrobe consists of PJ pants and Joey's t-shirts. Needless to say, I'm in a Mommy rut. I love spending time with my daughter, but wish I had some time for me! I feel incredibly blessed to be able to stay home with her and not work, however, I find myself slightly jealous of other people that get to go to work. I also haven't ran in over a month now, which HUGELY contributes to my mood. The weather here in July was 90 and above almost every day, and I am not a big fan of heat. Now that its getting nicer out, I have no motivation to do it!  Blah x2! I am definitely one of those people that the busier they are, the more productive they are. So, I need to get busy!

On a happier note, at Macie's 6 month checkup this morning, our little pumpkin weighed 14lbs, 9oz and is 26 inches tall. I cannot believe how fast the last 6 months have gone by. She's sitting up by herself now, saying Mama - all of the time (mostly yelling at me) and scooting around trying to crawl. She also has quite the personality!

We are also on the verge of no longer being a one-car family! Yippie! Very excited. Then I REALLY won't have an excuse to get out and about more often. Now just waiting on that motivation...


Missy said...

ugh...i hate being in a rut. this too shall pass :)

Kris said...

Oh Shauna...I think all mommies have been there (no matter what they say.) ;) I hate those days where I don't get time to shower or get myself ready. It always makes me feel worse. Drew went through that "needier" phase around 6 months too. :( Feel ya' sista! Hang in there!

(oh...and I'm blogging again! I started to miss it! Let's see if I can keep it up once school starts back up!)

Shauna said...

Thanks to the both of you! :)