Oh my goodness, I would just like to start this post off with saying that I JUST erased a really long post I just wrote on accident... so here is attempt #2
I had so much fun in Michigan! I can't wait to go back in 25 days! I was with the people I love the WHOLE time I was home, I ran around like a crazy person, it was awesome. It went by way too fast. I'm so excited to go back for Christmas because Joey is coming to visit! I can't wait for everyone to meet him!
Let's see, what did I do... the night I flew in Mom dropped me off asap to Malarky's where I met up with Michelle, Ray, Josie, Aimee, Matt, Kim, Michael, and Veronica. It was SO GOOD to see everyone! It wasn't a late night because everyone had work the next morning (and I was exhausted!). Wednesday I slept in and went to my grandpa's to see the whole fam. My aunt and uncle and cousins were also in town from St. Louis, so it was great to see everyone at once. Wednesday night I went out with everybody mentioned above and Kevin and Barry to Pier 500 which was TOTALLY DEAD, but we drank a lot and good times were had. Thursday was family day of course and I ate lots and lots of AWESOME food... my aunt made the BEST stuff this year, it was so yummy! I also got a lot of sister/Steve/Natalie time which was extremely awesome. Friday I shopped a bit with my sissy, but it was too crazy for me, and there are NO good malls downriver so it didn't last long. Friday afternoon was the traditional making of the pierogis for Christmas at Grandpa's. We made a TON because I told Joey I'm going to stuff him with nothing but Polish food when he comes home with me :) Friday night I went to see Harry Potter for the second time (so good!) with Mom, Rachel, and Steve. Saturday I went and got my bridesmaid dress fitted for Michelle's wedding (I LOVE IT), then went to lunch and shopping with Aimee, then went to hang at Kim and Mike's new house (SO PRETTY AND BIG AND I'M SO JEALOUS!!!) We met up with Matt at the new fancy restaurant McDonalds on Eureka (have you seen it, it's crazy!) and then met EVERYONE else at Prushs' for a good night of karaoke :) Whew... Sunday morning I met Josie for breakfast and then headed to the airport where I cried on the phone with Joey for 2 hours straight because I was so sad to leave. I feel better now that I am back, but I do miss being home!
Anyway, my pics aren't as good as I would have hoped because I had a crummy disposable camera. My digital has been broken for awhile, and I think I've decided today to get a new one before Christmas so this time I can take a bunch of good ones. I had such a blast at home... I have the best friends in the world, they really made my visit so special! I LOVE YOU GUYS!
I'll be back home in 25 days... Joey will be there in 29 days... I can't wait!
I'm jealous that you got to go to malarkeys!
SO I told you that Mike is not good at taking pictures! Wish this one was a little more centered but at least our bodies are in it and we didn't have the heads cut off.
Miss you already!
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