Monday, July 11, 2005

Aimee's Wedding!

I'm finally back in Atlanta... this time for good, or at least until Thanksgiving. After the move, I went back to Michigan for Aimee and Matt's Wedding! First things first... the move went pretty well. My sister ended up coming with me, my mom, and my dad. It was actually really awesome for all of us to be together! I'd post the pics from the move, but considering we all look scary from the large amount of sweat all over us, I will pass... In the next few days when I get everything all situated I'll post some pics of my apartment, it is HUGE!!! My bedroom is double the size of my bedroom at home, and that doesn't include the closet. My closet is the size of my Mom's bedroom at home... I'm a lucky girl! The Wedding was AWESOME! I had so much fun! Aimee looked BEAUTIFUL (see pics below). It was a really great time... I partied like a rock star, and I didn't even cry too much :) I'm so happy for her and Matt... Anyway, I would write more, but I'm EXHAUSTED from the drive back today and I know everyone just wants to look at pics anyway :) If you want to see the whole album, send me your email and I'll shutterfly them to you. Till next time... P.S. Contrary to popular belief Atlanta is NOT under water... downtown might be, but where I'm at is ok... reguardless, I am a swimmer :)


Emily said...

oh, shauna, let me know how life is sorting out in Atlanta. Take photos of your apartment!!!! Meghan just moved to Indiana, too ... she got a teaching job there. I miss my girls!!

Shauna said...

I can't believe Megan moved to Indiana!!!!