It's that time of the year every teacher starts having 3am panic attacks... back to school time. Just kidding on the panic attacks, although I'm a tid bit stressed out considering this is my 4th new classroom, 4 years in a row... I need to stop this. I swear my life would be A LOT easier if I just stayed in the same place for a few years. I have a feeling I've found the place.
Joey and I went up to my new school yesterday to check out my room. I knew already that I would be in one of the portables (trailors for a classroom because the school is so huge and they can't fit all the kids), but I didn't know it would be so small. It's very clean and looks new, but I have NO CLUE how I'm going to set up my classroom in it. I was way upset until I started thinking about last year and all the tremendous hell I went through... so if this is what I have to deal with this year, I'm cool with it. I will make it work, no biggie.
This past week I've been a BIG TIME lazy bum not getting much accomplished other than being a lazy bum... BUT I did manage to get my application out for grad school which if everything goes smoothly with that and financial aid, I should be starting September 5th. New teacher orientation starts Monday, but I'm allowed to go to my class this week and set up. Considering I don't know what is going on yet and I'm not quite sure what I am and am not allowed to do, I've decided to wait on all that. I'll move all my stuff up there sometime this week just to get it all out of Joey's basement, but the whole set up process I'm going to wait on... It shouldn't take too much, if you recall, last year I had to deal with a disgusting classroom filled with a TON of junk and roaches, which this year I do not. Kick ass.
Anyway, for the fun news I've wanted to tell everyone... Aimee's pregnant!!!!! She made me wait a whole 3 or 4 days before I could say anything and that was torturous... so here ya go! I'm so excited for her and Matt, they are going to be wonderful parents! I'm just bummed a bit that I can't be there with her every step of the way, BUT she knows how much I love her and if she ever needs me, I'm just a phone call (or a 10 hour car drive) away. RIGHT AIMEE?!?!?! :)